Uncharted Waters: The Tragedy of the Nova Cura Grounding

"The Final Voyage of Nova Cura" By Capt.Nishant Mehta On the morning of April 20, 2016, the Nova Cura , a freighter carrying 4,400 tonnes of steel, was gliding through the Aegean Sea on a course from Eregli to Aliaga, Turkey. She had already navigated the complex waterways of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, an intricate path requiring careful navigation and constant vigilance. With a draft of 5.8 meters, the ship seemed to be on course for another routine voyage. But as is often the case at sea, small decisions can have big consequences. The second mate had planned the initial route west of Lesbos, aiming for the port of Izmir. That route was sound and safe. However, when the orders changed, the new destination became Aliaga, where the vessel was to load a container bound for Lisbon. The altered route appeared to be shorter and would save about two hours, a crucial difference to ensure the container could be loaded the same day. The captain decided to make the change and ...